Blog of an aikido beginner

Follow a beginners aikido trainings and share his impressions.

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Standort: Bern, Switzerland

Dienstag, November 29, 2005

Tuesdays training - 5. kyu

There were not many people in the training today for a tuesday. Normally, the tatamis are crowded like hell on tuesdays training. But today we were only 5 students and 3 dans (romolo, daniel and markus).

Daniel came back from a training visit in another dojo and brought some ideas which we used at the beginning. As an example, he explained that o-sensei always talked about smoke getting up before cutting. E.g. with the bokken, he made a movement when hauling off which resembles to smoke of a fire. We used this for irmi technique. This was quite advanced for me. We students were not really able to perform it like this.

Main focus was on the 5. kyu test program today. The group was splitted into 3 groups. Each dan took care of one group for one specific technique and after an amount of time, the groups changed. Daniel wanted to see the katate riote tori ikkyo, romolo wanted to see katate tori irmi and markus took care about katate tori kotegaeshi. I performed all techniques with mago as he'll be my uke at my tests. This was quite a good training for it.

Daniel decided to take at least a part of my 5. kyu test this saturday! The training will start at 12am and I have to be prepared for it.

I'm thinking about stopping blogging about my training experiences as soon as i'm 5. kyu. I think at least i'll quit blogging about each training session. I don't use it anymore that often to remember things as i did at the beginning (whereas it was a big help) and I don't think this blog gets read by many people, it makes no sense to me. I think I will only post when there was something special in the training or just if i'm in the mood of posting/writing. We'll see... ....what do you, loyal readers of my blog, think about it? Should I really stop posting? Well, thanks for the comments :-)




Blogger tobstone said...

also, ich habe fast jeden deiner artikel mit interesse gelesen, ich kann aber auch gut nachvollziehen, dass du nicht zu jedem training was schreiben magst, mir fehlt dazu schlicht die zeit und im moment leider auch das training, mehr als einmal die woche ist im moment leider nicht drin bei meinem derzeitigen arbeitspensum.

viel spass beim weiterschreiben und viel spass bei deiner prüfung!

Mittwoch, November 30, 2005 8:13:00 PM  

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