Blog of an aikido beginner

Follow a beginners aikido trainings and share his impressions.

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Standort: Bern, Switzerland

Mittwoch, August 16, 2006

The summer break is over...

Yay! After more than a month without aikido, I went really hot to go on the tatamis again. I missed it very much!

It was a bit disappointing, that there were only that few people in the training. But it was fun anyway :-)

Yesterday (Tuesday):
As Daniel Sensei still is curing from his hospital stay, Markus took the lead. Apart of him, there were only me, Julien and Martin in the training. Just 3 beginners (5th, 4th kyu and white belt). Upon juliens request, we focused in kote-gaeshi variants, beginning with katate-tori, going over to katate-ryote-tori and finally into tanto shomen-uchi (markus wanted to stress out the importance of distance). It was fun but I remarked, that I've lost quite a bit during my absence of the training :-(

Today (Wednesday):
Funny, I came and Martin just left ("there's nobody here, I go for lunch, bye..."), I resisted and asked at the coffee bar whether ruedi sensei is here or not. As it seems, he's on vacation for 2 weeks but should be back next week. I was a little bit disappointed as I was really looking forward to the training with ruedi. In the exact same time mago came in, and we 2 decided to have our very own training, just the 2 of us.
We begun with "normal" warmup, some ukemis and started right away with ikkyo, to get into aikido slowly. Ikkyo went quite well (at least from our point of view). So we went over to nikkyo, where both of us are still a little bit struggling with the ura form. It's actually not that easy to get the nikkyo pin correctly. We were trying and trying, sometimes it worked, but afterwards it didn't anymore. Quite exhausting.
On exactly this time, suddenly daniel sensei came in (walking on crutches) to have a look. He was very joyfully surprised to see us 2 beginners alone practicing on the tatamis. He asked us if we would like to have him on the side (where he could sit), watching us and giving us tipps. Of course both of us nodded and we went a little bit aside, so he could see us. I remarked in his face that it was of big pleasure for him, watching his students going on, even withouth his lead. More and more, he came in and nearly forgot about his injury. He gave us much input and tipps and we were able to make big steps forward for nikkyo in the ura form. For those of you not knowing anything about nikkyo, here's a picture illustrating the pin in the ura form:

As you can see and probably imagine, this can be quite harmful. Especially if you have to be the attacker and the sensei (who wasn't able to train for quite a long time) wants to demonstrate on you... wrist hurts a bit now.

After maybe half an hour, daniel had to leave again and we continued a little bit to strengthen his inputs. At the end we did then some fast and dynamic katate-tori attacks whereas it was left open how to conter (which technique to use). Exhausting but much fun!

I'll try to visit the trainig more often and regularly now again and hope I'll find some more time to write here...




Anonymous Anonym said...

Hey Lemy!
It's great to see you back and posting again! I keep your site bookmarked and I check about once a week for updates.

Happy Ukemi!

Dienstag, August 29, 2006 3:32:00 PM  
Blogger David said...

Wow, great blog. I really like the videos too.

Don't worry about not many people showing up to class. You learn whatever you have to learn no matter who shows up.

Good luck,

Dienstag, Oktober 03, 2006 4:19:00 PM  

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