Wednesday Training Session
Monika, Reinhard, daniel sensei, me and one guest (beginner) participated as well.
Shinkokyu and stretching at the beginning. My feet still hurted but i managed to not remain too long on the knees ;)
Some handgrabbing techniques, followed by iriminage. I did it with the beginner and was not able to do the technique correctly. I think only advanced aikidokas can perform a technique correctly with beginners. I had to concentrate to not push him to hard intot the ukemi since he had some problems with that.
Then grabbing the shoulder technique together with monika. Quite fun for both of us since we were not able to do it exactly as ruedi showed it but we came into some weird other technique which was very effective and we were both extremly surprised :)
Followed by bokken training. We mainly focused on shomen attack and getting out of the line while trying to cut uke in moving up the bokken with one hand. It was good to do this with daniel sensei because he mainly focused on my shomen and my movements. I learned a lot in this short training.
At the end some more stretching (shaking the feet of your partner, stretching his knees over his breast).
It was good to go to training over lunch today because my working day did not start good today. In the afternoon, everything worked again. Could that be because of aikido? Hmmmm ;-)