Blog of an aikido beginner

Follow a beginners aikido trainings and share his impressions.

Mein Foto
Standort: Bern, Switzerland

Donnerstag, März 23, 2006

Tanto training

Yay! Nice training session today. And yes, I succeeded and went the first time to the advanced training. It was very nice. We did a lot of tanto (=knife) techniques. It's quite fun but very difficult. Techniques seem to work without weapons but as soon as uke has a tanto in his hand, you recognize how sloppy you perform the techniques. I'm still a bloody beginner ;-)

Anyhow, quite relaxed and tired after the training. Need to get some sleep now :)

Took some pictures, check out my flickr aikido set (follow the link at the left). One example:



Mittwoch, März 22, 2006

Aikido Demonstration @ BEA Expo

I kind of intensivated the training now again a little bit. After having quite a while trained not that often (well, at least once a week, but not on a regularly basis)... ...for maybe about a month or so. I just had enough other stuff flying around my ears, there wasn't so much time for aikido. Moreover it was the time period of flu (no, no, not H5N1 ;) and illness. Anyway, I'm back on the tatami zone and willing to train a bit more now.

It's actually quite funny. Mago is back from his trip to india. He really had very much interesting to tell. Some weird stories about cows lying around, smog bells, beggars and much more. It's good to have him back in the training. It's always very much fun with him (wheras not fun in the meaning of not beeing concentrated, it's just a bit a more relaxed atmosphere in the training, I think you get the point).

Our dojo will be able to present itself on the bernese exhibition BEA for a timeframe of 2 hours. I fully understand that aikido has just a small window within these 2 hours as judo, kickboxing and jiu-jutsu are much more popular but only 10 minutes for an aikido demonstration is for me a bit too short. Well, we'll see. Anyway, daniel asked us who would have time and the mood for it and I nodded. Unless there are many more advanced students, I will participate most probably. It's on the 29th of April somewhat in the afternoon.

Therefore, daniel sensei was training a lot of different techniques in the last trainings to setup a program for this. It looks like we're going to show the katas (for me ikkyo and nikkyo) and then each one will do a grab and a throw in randori style. Then daniel planned to show some multiple attackes with some other black belts. After that, it's planned to show the bokken and jo katas too. At the end he's planning to show some special just him alone (he will be explaining in all other situations and let us students work heh!) either he lets himself grab from multiple attackers and throw them at the same time or he's going to show a randori against 4-5 ukes weaponized (jo and bokken), including some take-away techniques. Sounds quite interesting and it was just great that he showed it in the trainings, which we don't get in front of our eyes that often. Daniel meant that we'll leave the tanto techniques up to the jiu-people to show. Heh!

That was it so far. I'll organize someone going to take pictures of this demonstration so you can see myself in action once :-)

